Queensland EcoWaste Solutions
is a Queensland-based resource recovery park that aims to reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill by employing a more conscious, sustainable approach. Embracing a circular economy, the company utilizes advanced picking and sorting technologies to obtain raw materials from waste for the creation of recycled or upcycled products. Any residual waste is incinerated via a process designed to minimize the level of greenhouse gas emissions being produced. The resulting by-products are then used to generate electricity, steam, heat, and cooling.
The mark features repeating lines, which are inspired by power levels, to signify energy. To reinforce this, they are arranged in a circle to echo the rays of the sun. One particular line is thickened and extended so that the mark more than just resembles the letter Q; it also brings to mind the image of a knob turned up to the maximum level. Combined with the circular shape, this attempts to imply that the processes involved are not only continuous but are also optimized.